The Green Journey leads climate expeditions around the world

The Green Journey is where adventure meets climate action.

We use the power of exploration to advocate for climate solutions around the world.

Expedition Summer 2024

We are crossing the USA on solar-powered bikes. Click here to learn more

Our expeditions by the number

Explored across 3 continents
Crossed by hitchhiking sailboats from Eastern Europe through the Caribbean and up to Florida
Traveled over land and over sea, >100% of the world's circumference
Climate hotspots
Explored, amplifying groundbreaking solutions

We amplify groundbreaking climate solutions

The climate crisis is complicated.

At The Green Journey, we know that facts and figures can confuse and that doom and gloom can demoralize. That’s why our mission is to create and share stories of climate hope - we’re connecting with people around the world to explore how we can create a better, safer, more just future by addressing the climate emergency head-on.

We‘re meeting with entrepreneurs, scientists, advocates, indigenous leaders and more as we travel to create a one-of-a-kind network of change makers, making connections along the way that just might inspire you and your community to take action!

Each person has their own climate story to tell. Read some of our favorites here and get involved to share your own!

You can be a part of the adventure

Spread the word

We need your help to share the mission of the Green Journey! Share our story with your network, and follow us on social media to amplify the messageShare The Green Journey

Support our work

Climate storytelling is made possible by your support We cover 100% of our own travel costs, but need your help to fund the creation and distribution of content focused on climate solutionsFund stories and solutions

Join us on the road

Would you like to meet us on the road as we bike across the USA in Summer 2024? Get in touch!Contact us